Wheeling Health Right Programs

Health Education Programs

Our health educators provide one-on-one and group programs relating to all health education needs. Groups include smoking cessation, healthy lifestyle, diabetic education, cooking schools, and more.


The FARMacy Program

The FARMacy Program was initiated in the summer of 2016 as a collaboration between Wheeling Health Right and a non-profit organization with a focus on urban farming, both located in Wheeling, West Virginia. The collaboration came out of a joint concern for the health of the population in the region, which leads the country in chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

The intention of the program is to prove via data collection that “food is medicine,” and that the first method of both treatment and prevention of chronic disease should be with a healthy diet.

Wheeling Health Right patients who qualify for the FARMacy Program have one or more chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. The Clinic provides participants with a “prescription” for fresh produce weekly for 15 weeks, as well as weekly cooking demonstrations and educational sessions and materials about how to prepare the produce. All participants have blood testing and completed surveys before and after the program to demonstrate how the fresh produce helps to improve their health and well-being.

Results of before and after blood testing consistently prove that both blood sugars and cholesterol improve when patients eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits. The completed surveys show that education about produce preparation and cooking demonstrations increase participant confidence to prepare these recipes at home. The majority of the participants say they feel better, have more energy, and pledge to continue to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables if they have access and can afford to do so.

In addition to providing education and access to healthy foods through classes that offer discussions and hands-on activities about food, nutrition, and cooking, FARMacy provides educational sessions that address disease management. As a part of this program, Wheeling Health Right partners with Jebbia’s Produce Market, to provide patients with fresh, organic produce in an effort to improve their overall health and help to manage their chronic diseases. The local West Virginia University (WVU) Extension Service conducts the educational sessions and cooking classes with food tastings throughout the 15 weeks of the FARMacy Program. Mountaineer Food Bank supplements the produce with donations of food staples every two weeks.


Smoking Cessation

Our program is designed to help patients quit smoking at a pace that is right for you. Quitting is hard but the benefits of lowering your risk of cancer and other serious medical issues is worth it.

Our program includes one on one coaching, group support and individual treatment based on your needs.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking and Tobacco Use

      • improves health status and enhances quality of life.
      • reduces the risk of premature death and can add as much as 10 years to life expectancy.
      • reduces the risk for many adverse health effects, including poor reproductive health outcomes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cancer.
      • benefits people already diagnosed with coronary heart disease or COPD.
      • benefits the health of pregnant women and their fetuses and babies.
      • Reducing financial burden put on people who smoke, healthcare systems and society

Quitting smoking is the single best way to protect family members, coworkers, friends, and others from the health risks associated with breathing secondhand smoke.


Community Health Worker

The Community Health Worker will assist high-risk patients with the care coordination in their home and community. They interact with patients through weekly home visits, and facilitate communication between the patient and Wheeling Health Right. Provides culturally appropriate health education, information and outreach in community-based settings. She will provide services, such as advising on access to health and human services, social support, care coordination and health screenings.
Available to Qualifying Residents of the Ohio Valley

Programs at Wheeling Health Right

Nurse Practitioner Clinic

Every patient first sees the Nurse Practitioner at the clinic for evaluation. All of our Nurse Practitioners have prescriptive authority and practice under a collaborative agreement with a local physician.

Social Services

Social Services assists patients in applying for needed benefits. This includes Disability, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Utility Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation and other needed benefits.

Family Planning

Family planning services are provided including counseling and medication.

Dental Clinic

Local Dentists and WVU Dental Students provide dental services to Wheeling Health Right patients.  In order to receive dental services, you must establish with a Wheeling Health Right Primary Care Provider.  No outside PCP will be accepted.

Individual and Group Counseling

Groups include Anxiety, Depression, Addiction Recovery, Stress Management and Grief Counseling.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

Breast and cervical cancer screening is very important for uninsured and underinsured women. Early detection is critical in the treatment of these two cancers.

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